27 research outputs found

    Network-based models for social recommender systems

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    With the overwhelming online products available in recent years, there is an increasing need to filter and deliver relevant personalized advice for users. Recommender systems solve this problem by modeling and predicting individual preferences for a great variety of items such as movies, books or research articles. In this chapter, we explore rigorous network-based models that outperform leading approaches for recommendation. The network models we consider are based on the explicit assumption that there are groups of individuals and of items, and that the preferences of an individual for an item are determined only by their group memberships. The accurate prediction of individual user preferences over items can be accomplished by different methodologies, such as Monte Carlo sampling or Expectation-Maximization methods, the latter resulting in a scalable algorithm which is suitable for large datasets

    Teach Network Science to Teenagers

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    We discuss our outreach efforts to introduce school students to network science and explain why networks researchers should be involved in such outreach activities. We provide overviews of modules that we have designed for these efforts, comment on our successes and failures, and illustrate the potentially enormous impact of such outreach efforts

    Task-based core-periphery organization of human brain dynamics

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    As a person learns a new skill, distinct synapses, brain regions, and circuits are engaged and change over time. In this paper, we develop methods to examine patterns of correlated activity across a large set of brain regions. Our goal is to identify properties that enable robust learning of a motor skill. We measure brain activity during motor sequencing and characterize network properties based on coherent activity between brain regions. Using recently developed algorithms to detect time-evolving communities, we find that the complex reconfiguration patterns of the brain's putative functional modules that control learning can be described parsimoniously by the combined presence of a relatively stiff temporal core that is composed primarily of sensorimotor and visual regions whose connectivity changes little in time and a flexible temporal periphery that is composed primarily of multimodal association regions whose connectivity changes frequently. The separation between temporal core and periphery changes over the course of training and, importantly, is a good predictor of individual differences in learning success. The core of dynamically stiff regions exhibits dense connectivity, which is consistent with notions of core-periphery organization established previously in social networks. Our results demonstrate that core-periphery organization provides an insightful way to understand how putative functional modules are linked. This, in turn, enables the prediction of fundamental human capacities, including the production of complex goal-directed behavior

    Cliques in Regular Graphs and the Core-Periphery Problem in Social Networks

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    The existence of a densely knit core surrounded by a loosely connected periphery is a common macro-structural feature of social networks. Formally, the CorePeriphery problem is to partition the nodes of an undirected graph G=(V,E) such that a subset X⊂V, the core, induces a dense subgraph, and its complement V∖X , the periphery, induces a sparse subgraph. Split graphs represent the ideal case in which the core induces a clique and the periphery forms an independent set. The number of missing and superfluous edges in the core and the periphery, respectively, can be minimized in linear time via edit distance to the closest split graph. We show that the CorePeriphery becomes intractable for standard notions of density other than the absolute number of misclassified pairs. Our main tool is a regularization procedure that transforms a given graph with maximum degree d into a d-regular graph with the same clique number by adding at most d⋅n new nodes. This is of independent interest because it implies that finding a maximum clique in a regular graph is NP-hard to approximate to within a factor of n1/2−Δ for all Δ>0 . We gratefully acknowledge financial support from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under grants Br 2158/6-1 and Ka 3042/3-1. This work is partially supported by the Zukunftskolleg of the University of Konstanz, and the Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication (www.mpc-vcc.org).publishe